Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year Resolutions for 2009....

I do not usually make New Year Resolutions. Partly because I dont usu keep them. But this year, maybe putting them on the blog will propel my friends to remind me to stick to them :-)

New Year Resolutions for 2009.

1. Spend more quality time with family & friends (family - still trying to figure out how to achieve this / friends - maybe dinner once every 2 mths) & less time WORKING~!!!!!!!

2. Exercise more - at least 3-4 times a week for > 40mins each time & 1 long run a week!!!!

3. Go for sojourn (local or overseas) with Leslie at least 3x a year.

4. Eat healty - make home-cooked meals (at least 2 nites p/week) instead of eating out.

5. Set a monthly budget for shopping, and stick to it!

6. Stop buying unnecessary clothes, shoes, handbag which eventually ends up lying in the closet, unworn!!

7. Give back more, in terms of both time & money to charity.

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